Julia Turco

sit with us.

Discover Vedic meditation with Julia Turco



I’m Julia, here to guide you in the effortless art of Vedic meditation and support you along the journey of self discovery, healing and embodiment. Beneath the surface of the thinking mind and the constant doing there is a calm, still baseline - this is your essence, and with the right tools it’s easier to experience than you may think! I invite you to reclaim your right to rest, to allow yourself the time and space to feel and heal, to give yourself permission to embrace your full potential, all while having a laugh and enjoying the process along the way.



All meditation techniques aren’t the same, if you’ve tried meditation before and found it difficult or boring don’t assume that meditation isn’t for you, it may be that you haven’t found the right style of meditation yet.

Vedic meditation is a practice so simple that absolutely anyone can learn! We don’t concentrate or try to stop thinking and no fancy positions are required. Simply sit comfortably, close the eyes and allow the body to let go.

By adding meditation to our daily routine, we create balance and allow our body to rest and repair so we can make the most of all life has to offer! Devoting yourself to a consistent meditation practice can help you wake up each day feeling energised and inspired, experience deeper connection to yourself and others and really thrive in all areas of your life. It will also be there to ground and regulate your nervous system, bringing clarity for navigating life’s unexpected challenges. This is why we meditate.


Upcoming courses

Come along to a free intro talk to find out more about Vedic meditation or find a course and dive in right away.



“We rise by lifting others” - Robert Ingersoll

Most people are surprised by how easy Vedic meditation is. In fact, once they’ve learned the technique they usually find that when they sit and close the eyes, the practice happens almost by itself. The hardest part is usually finding time to fit it in twice a day. This is why when you learn Vedic meditation you also receive a lifetime support system and community. We get it, life happens and it’s not always easy to fit in your meditations, this is where having a teacher and supportive community can really help you stay inspired and consistent in your practice.

This is what community is all about, learning, growing and rising together!

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